General Motors India president and MD Karl Slym said “We are looking to launch the LPG version of Beat by the end of this year,” said, a company official.“Our strategy is to have high fuel efficiency in all our vehicles in the first place. Then we will be introducing vehicles powered by (alternative) fuels like CNG and LPG, besides having different power-trains and different displacements.” He also said, “Launch of the LPG mode reiterates Chevrolet’s vision of moving towards environment friendly alternative fuels.”

It is said that the new LPG version of Beat will come with many advantages like, Factory Fitted Kit which will give more quality. There will be no engine backfire while switching on to different modes( like,changing to LPG mode or back to petrol). This in turn will give a smooth drive and low running cost. There will be a better power and pick-up for a more comfortable driving experience. No doubt, the lower emissions will guarantee more environmentally-friendly fuel.
Source:- Chevrolet Beat LPG marching ahead - New Cars
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