It is in human nature to not ever be happy with what you have and as soon as you get the thing you want to start looking for something completely different. Also, we are all unique and we need to show that either by the way we dress, the way we talk, the things we dream of and not seldom by the car that we drive.
Most people will afford one or two cars in a lifetime and those will be series cars which you'll see dozens of everyday. Either it's a coat of paint or just a pair of over-sized dices tied to the rear-view mirror, you can't help yourself from the need to stand out in a crowd.
As long as you decide to modify your car, to be hip and happening, you should keep in mind just a few pointers as not to become ridiculous in your attempt to be original: stay true to the lines of the car, respect it's heritage and always modify with an eye towards restraint.
By following these three simple rules you can make sure you won't find yourself tying to fit a plow's tire to your Ford Fiesta just to achieve a rod look. If the car you posses happens to be a sports car it would not be doing it justice by adding a bike rack on top as adding a spoiler to a minivan will not help your family car cruise smoothly.
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